Test your skills and join the yearly Gingerbread build off
Find your favorite architectural style or your favorite local building – gather the sweet treats- AND BAKE!
The Rules
This is an in person event. The venue is the Woodson History Center at 410 McIndoe Street, Wausau.
1. Entries must arrive December 09 between 9 am and noon at the Woodson History Center. Please include the entry
sheet with your entry. Award will be announced at about 1 pm.
2. We encourage you to leave your entry for display through December 29, 2023. However, you may take your entry
earlier if you wish. All entries left past that date will be disposed of.
3. All entries must consist of only edible items (except for display base). No lollipop sticks,
wrappers, etc. Lights will be allowed but cannot be an integral part of the structure (e. g. lights inside the structure to light
up windows are allowed).
4. Main structure must include a majority gingerbread. No premade kits may be used. All entries must have been
constructed this year.
5. Entry must be placed on a board base. Entries combined with a base must not be larger
than 24 inches high, 24 inches wide, and 24 inches long. We suggest using 1⁄2” or 3⁄4” plywood as a base for your entry.
6. Entries will be judged on overall appearance and creativity. Entries do not need to be a local building; however, extra
points will be awarded for entries representing a Wausau area landmark. Judges decisions are final.
7. There will be three age categories youth (up to age 11), teen (12-17), and adult (18 and over). Teams are allowed, but
the prize money will be split among team members.
8. Prizes will be awarded for three places in each division. All entries will be awarded
ribbons. Awards will be mailed out following judging.
a. First – $50.00 cash
b. Second – $25.00 cash
c. Third – $15.00 cash
9. Must represent an architectural style such as English Cottage, Brutalist, Bungalow, Ranch, Gothic, or Italianate.
Please identify style on entry form to be included with entry. Again, Entries do not need to be a local building, however
extra points will be awarded for entries representing a Wausau landmark.
10. FOWHL reserves the right to adjust above rules as required.
11. Have fun!
Past Winners
Watch how to build a gingerbread house below
Find your favorite architectural style or your favorite local building – gather the sweet treats- AND BAKE!
Join the contest below
“Is it not cruel to let our city die by degrees, stripped of all her proud monuments, until there will be nothing left of all her history and beauty to inspire our children. If they are not inspired by the past of our city, where will they find the strength to fight for her future?”
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
to Mayor Abraham Beame