Architecture Ambles

Come with us on a educational walk that explores the history of Wausau

Please remember to wear your walking shoes. There will be some uneven surfaces and maybe hills.

Upcoming Tours

May 30th

Downtown Churches

Explore the history of some of the churches that have become an integral part of downtown Wausau’s architectural heritage. The history of these churches, generally built between 1850 and 1912, is woven into the fabric of Wausau, creating a beautiful design filled with a variety of cultures and beliefs.

Tour Guide: Gary

Start Time: 6:30

Starting Point: First Universalist Unitarian Church of Wausau | 504 Grant St, Wausau, WI 54403

June 27th

Athletic Field Neighborhood

Tour Guide: Carl

July 25th

Thom Field Neighborhood

Tour Guide: Christine

August 29th

Old German Neighborhood

Tour Guide: Patrick

October 26th

50th Anniversary Tour

Tour Guide: Gary

Recent Tours

Southeast Side (Sturgeon Eddy Area)

What we explored

  1. Memorial Hospital
  2. Ruder Street area
  3. Sturgeon Eddy area


What we explored

  1. The Rothschild Pavilion
  2. Domtar
  3. St. Therese

“Rehabilitating historic properties conserves taxpayers’ dollars, conserves our local heritage, and conserves the natural environment. Rehabilitating historic buildings and using the infrastructure that is already in place to serve them is the height of fiscal and environmental responsibility. ”

– Donovan Rypkema

Place Economics

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Coming Soon

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