- We are excited to announce that our Sweet Landmarks Gingerbread Contest is here once again- and in person!
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Woodson History Center – in conjunction with Marathon County Historical Society’s Holidays at the Houses event
Click here for full rules and entry form
Youth and adults are invited to bring a building made entirely of edible items, the majority of which is gingerbread, but can include candies, herbs, and other food items. The only part that can be non-edible is the base of the entry. Entries must represent an architectural style such as Victorian, Neo-Gothic, Commercial, Bungalow or Ranch. Bonus points will be awarded if the structure represents a local building such as the Grand Theater or your own house.
Entries must be brought to the Woodson History Center on Saturday, December 4 between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm (noon). There will be three age categories child (up to age 11), youth (12-17), and adult (18 and over). Teams are allowed, but the prize money will be split among team members .
Judging, by three local judges, will follow immediately, with awards to be announced at about 1:00 pm. Prizes in each division are $50 for first place, $25 for second place and $15 for third place.
Entries will remain on display at the Woodson History Center through the holidays following the contest, until Thursday, December 30, 2021. The gingerbread buildings will be open for viewing during Woodson History Center’s business hours (Tuesday-Friday 9:00 am-4:30 pm; Saturday-Sunday 1:00-4:30 pm.